Saturday, March 27, 2010


Bill Clinton recently cited umuganda as one of the reasons he admires President Kagame. On the last Saturday of every month, Rwandans do volunteer projects in their communities. This morning we joined a group of several hundred people in preparing a field to plant cassava. We started around 9:30 and by 11am most of the field had been hoed. The group celebrated by singing and dancing, and then several people made speeches and recognized participants including the Peace Corps, contingents from various umudugudus (villages) and a group of secondary school students.

1 comment:

  1. While you were working hard in the field, I was cooking brisket in our gas oven and whipping a dozen egg whites for the Passover Nut Cake and thinking all the while about the different life you lead (along with all Rwandans) with no or little electricity, little running water, no gas oven to bake in. -- Mom
